My work happens at the intersection of writing and movement. I am a poet with an interdisciplinary practice rooted in recitation, writing, and dance/the space of overlap where arranging lines in a stanza becomes like arranging phrases of movement is where I anchor my approach. I received honorable mention in the 2024 Ruth Weiss Foundation Poetry Competition and I’ve both self published poetry and been published in fnews magazine, The Performance Response Journal and the Chicago DanceMakers Forum Blog and have performed in many different kinds of spaces in Chicago including Elastic Arts, The DePaul Art Museum, Mariane Ibrahim Gallery, and Rhino Fest Chicago 2024.
I explore how words are bodies too: with speed, and levels, and shape and size, (making images), and how language is communicated with the body. A turn and a turn of phrase mean the same thing but in different forms. The space of overlap where arranging lines in a stanza becomes like arranging steps of movement is where I anchor my approach, talking/writing/thinking about how I move as much as I connect my movement to how I’m thinking/talking/writing; exploring rhythms, patterns and qualities of speech through both the written word and a choreographic praxis.
Right now I am a Poet in Residence with the Chicago Poetry Center and a lecturer at the University of Chicago in Theater and Performance Studies.